Nos hemos propuesto ser pioneros en la República Dominicana, abogando por un ambiente inclusivo para todos. A través de la educación y la sensibilización, buscamos derrumbar las barreras que enfrentan aquellos con discapacidades cognitivas y neurodiversidad, promoviendo un entorno de aceptación y humanización. Nuestros esfuerzos, desde talleres interactivos hasta campañas de concienciación, han impactado a más de un millón de personas, avanzando hacia una sociedad donde la inclusión sea una realidad vivida y celebrada por todos.

We are called by God to, and our purpose. is to raise awareness of the 147 million orphaned and abandoned children in our world and then educate and equip people with the resources

We are called by God to, and our purpose. is to raise awareness of the 147 million orphaned and abandoned children in our world and then educate and equip people with the resources

We are called by God to, and our purpose. is to raise awareness of the 147 million orphaned and abandoned children in our world and then educate and equip people with the resources

We are called by God to, and our purpose. is to raise awareness of the 147 million orphaned and abandoned children in our world and then educate and equip people with the resources

We are called by God to, and our purpose. is to raise awareness of the 147 million orphaned and abandoned children in our world and then educate and equip people with the resources

We are called by God to, and our purpose. is to raise awareness of the 147 million orphaned and abandoned children in our world and then educate and equip people with the resources

We are called by God to, and our purpose. is to raise awareness of the 147 million orphaned and abandoned children in our world and then educate and equip people with the resources

We are called by God to, and our purpose. is to raise awareness of the 147 million orphaned and abandoned children in our world and then educate and equip people with the resources

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